Sunday, July 24, 2011

No mercy

I think the physicist was not punished appropriately. This young student attempted murder and was let off with only having to do probation. He should have been kicked out of school for such a crome. Society sometimes has double standards and because of who you are can play a huge role in how you are treated in life. I don't care if this student was a genius and had all the potential in the world, this puinisment was not fair. Robert Oppenheimer is the one of the world greatest scientist. He invented the Atomic Bomb used in World War II. He was the master minds of the entire project. As I think back if he had been kicked out of school, where would he had eneded up. When I found out who he was I still wouldn't have changed my mind on his punishment. He indeed did a great deed for this country by building the A bomb but he still can change his past. Even if he had been kicked out of school maybe that punishment could have shaped and groomed him into being a better man. Our society needs to stop punishing people based on race. It's sad to say that even now in 2011 our judicial systems is very rascists centered. Who is to say that this young man had perhaps been an African-American student. Do you think his punishment would have been the same or harsher. I think it would have been harsher with out a doubt.

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